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Judge OKs bankruptcy for Thames Printing
A US bankruptcy judge has granted a petition filed last month by creditors seeking to force the Thames Printing Co. into bankruptcy. In a document dated last Thursday, Judge Albert Dabrowski entered an "order for relief" in the case
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:03A

Markets tumble over Greek concerns
With uncertainty continuing about whether Greece will receive more fianncial aid, or if bankruptcy could be on the cards, investors went on a selling spree yesterday, with the blue-chip WIG20 falling 1.5 percent by closing time.
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:03A

Companies to pay $44.4 million for SF Bay oil spill
Moreno said the settlement is the largest of its kind, resolving a lawsuit filed under the 1990 Oil Pollution Act passed after the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska. Several lawsuits were filed under the act against BP following the massive 2010
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:03A

Charles de Garmo: Mexico not so sympathetic toward illegal immigrants as
One Friday when Congress was on vacation and President Barack Obama was out the door on his way to a Martha's Vineyard vacation, he had his press staff make a conference call to reporters around the country announcing a change in immigration law.
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:03A

Letter: Learning to 'build peace' on the home front, world front
In fact, I would like to change the title to: Brainstorming Peaceful Ways to Building Peace and Justice. I believe if we begin a national dialogue on this topic, we can learn how to build a peaceful and just world. We need to get out of the blame game
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:02A

Oklahoma's high court refuses to hear bribery case involving an ex- and
Slater said he was disappointed the high court didn't clarify the law with respect to the speech and debate immunity clause. "I think the language in the order by the Court of Criminal Appeals is an incorrect statement of the law," Slater said.
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:02A

Co-defendant blamed for home invasion deaths
New Haven - The trial of a Connecticut man charged with killing a woman and her two daughters during a gruesome home invasion opened Monday with a defense attorney telling the jury that the evidence will "shake your very
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:02A

Video Verdict
We've entered a slow period for home video because, for the second week in a row, only one major theatrical release is making its way to the small screen. The good news? That one release was a huge hit in theaters. 2 1/2 stars (out of four).
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:02A

Photo: Judge: Alaska Constitution requires benefit parity
The ACLU filed the lawsuit against the state of Alaska and the municipality of Anchorage on behalf of Schmidt and Schuh and two other same-sex couples, claiming the state of Alaska's tax assessment rules providing exemptions for senior citizens and
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:01A

'Half Pint Brawlers' Hulk Hogan is Ripping Us Off
The guys from "Half Pint Brawlers" feel so ripped off by Hulk Hogan's new "midget wrestling" show on TruTV, they're talkin' lawsuit. HPB's founder Puppet the Psycho Dwarf tells TMZ ... Hulk's new show, "Micro Championship Wrestling," is straight up
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:01A

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