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Fatal Highway 68 crash investigated as DUI
Investigators have not ruled out the possible use of drugs or alcohol by Brown, Sonn said. The collision scattered debris across the roadway, and the highway was closed for more than five hours. Heavy traffic bound for the Monterey Jazz Festival at
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:29A

Gardiner banks on culture to help Water Street thrive
Look at Monkitree (museum and art gallery) for example. We can actually shape what we want Gardiner to look like.” Rees said she and her husband fell in love with Gardiner because of the “beautiful” buildings and downtown and “the warm welcoming
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:29A

Gardiner banks on culture to help Water Street thrive
Look at Monkitree (museum and art gallery) for example. We can actually shape what we want Gardiner to look like.” Rees said she and her husband fell in love with Gardiner because of the “beautiful” buildings and downtown and “the warm welcoming
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:29A

Stronger laws to deal with international child abduction
Mr McClelland said the package of measures will include new criminal offences under the Family Law Act, extending the coverage of existing offences, allowing the family law courts to stop child support payments for parents who have abducted their child
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:28A

Group takes stand against plan to limit supercenters
If signed into law, developers would have to submit a report about the effects a proposed superstore would have on the surrounding community's small businesses, jobs, property values, public services, tax revenues and traffic. “Research has shown that
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:28A

Fukushima: Reflections six months on
In a special Fukushima issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published today by SAGE, experts examine the current and future impact of Fukushima, what might have been done to lessen the scale of the accident, and the steps we need to take
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:27A

Blues singer Janiva Magness among the speakers before Miss. Commission on
Blues singer Janiva Magness will be among the speakers at a public hearing of the Mississippi Commission on Children's Justice. Other speakers include Virginia Pryor, director of strategic consulting for Casey Family Programs in Seattle,
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:27A

Marston sentenced to 37 months
19 in the US District Court of New Hampshire for two counts of bankruptcy fraud. In June, a jury found her guilty of the crimes for failing to disclose all aliases she used to incur debt, in addition to failing to disclose debt she incurred by using
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:27A

Men are more distracted drivers
Taking moment to eat a sandwich while driving could very well mean that you end up causing an accident – and the chances double if you are a man, apparently. Recent research by an insurer in the UK has found men are twice as likely to crash because of
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:27A

Fatal crash on Dartmoor
At around 8.15pm last night police received a report of a single vehicle road traffic collision on the B3212 between Moretonhampstead and Postbridge on Dartmoor. A car had reportedly collided head-on with a dry stone wall.
Updated: 09/20/2011 04:27A

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